Monday and Heroes

I was looking into video games last night and I read something on addiction to gaming. When asked why people get addicted, the therapist was saying that it is often because of the chance to play the Hero. If you are not feeling in control of your own life, then the game can become a convenient substitute.

I know that Heroes are often what keep me interested in life. We watch sports, follow politics, religions, form family bonds with the idea that a Hero will rise up and save the day, or show us the way.

Stories, novels and movies have all had heroes. Imagine a film with no hero? Video games are extremely engaging because you can actually become the Hero with your avatar for a while. There is also a set of well laid out rules in a video game, showing the way to glory.

Real life is far more messy of course. We have to be the heroes of our own stories. As trite as it may sound, I think it is true. Who else will do the hard stuff and show you the way when things get tricky? It’s up to each individual to be their own hero.

I once heard it put another way in relation to health – we are all the CEO of our own health. Nobody else is going to look after it on our behalf. We are the heroes.

This idea fascinates me and I think at my weakest moments I am forgetting my heroic self and relying too much on someone else (usually my incredible wife) to bear the load of my life.

Here’s to heroes and here’s to Monday’s. Have a good week, chimps!