Holiday combinations

I’m on holiday with my family and the in laws. A few nights in, and it’s proving to be one of those classic holidays….you know the ones….all the relaxation, sun, fun and joy that you could hope for. In my mind’s eye, everything here is tinted with a golden glow. Without wanting to jinx it – here are a few thoughts on why our holiday rocks the way it does….which is mightily….like a sweet Led Zeppelin track, with a glass of wine, at sunset, by the sea:

  • The weather – Even though it’s the start of autumn, we have been lucky with the sun – which means we have been able to take the little ones outdoors every day. A kid outside is a different beast to a cooped up, tv-addicted, frustrated indoors monkey. Bike rides, hikes, beaches = Happy tired monkeys.
  • The house – Some houses just have a good energy. I’m no mystic shayman (ha!), but the forces of good design and feng shue are strong in this place. Out of the wind, in the sunshine. Cool, comfortable spaces for all 8 of us. Energy flows through the right doors and cozy furniture to chill, eat, sleep and work in.
  • The children – every now and then our children hit a vein of form which will melt your heart. The way they have played together, looked after each other, and grabbed the bull by the horns this holiday makes me so very happy. Fingers crossed for more bull grabbing.

These holiday combinations matter – if you mess with any of the three elements listed above, it will change the vibe completely. Also, because we all age the combinations necessarily are never the same, year on year.

All this is to say i am celebrating and enjoying a successful holiday break when it hits me in the chops.