They don’t teach you calendars at school

Or maybe it was just that I wasn’t listening – either way, I think this should change.

Who doesn’t know how to keep a calendar? This sounds ridiculous, but it has taken me about 10 years to understand how to use and trust my computer’s calendar. At school, timetables were dished out at the beginning of term, pinned up on walls and referred to by everyone else around me. I could always ask my parents, teachers, friends what was coming up and what was due. I could remember a lot (well, enough) of what was important without needing a reference. The net result is that I never developed the skills to keep my own time. I have never trusted my computer calendars until very recently.

When you start using a calendar though, they build upon themselves. The more you use them, the more dependent you are on them, and then the more you will trust and use them again. You are invested, and that makes the whole system work. In this way calendars are a great example for projects in general. If you want to get a project started, then just start. The mental buy-in is what matters. The same thing seems to apply to relationships, exercise, blogging, working a job, keeping healthy.

That is what no school ever taught me – the importance of mentally buying into a concept, and that you can train yourself to do it in order to get something done.

Seems to me, this mental trick in and of itself is one of the most useful things in the world.

2 thoughts on “They don’t teach you calendars at school

  1. Nice one! Reading through my post I don’t think I really got down what I wanted to….I mean, of COURSE I understood at school that writing things down and keeping calendars was useful. And I understood HOW to do it. But the benefits of performing a mental trick was a missing step for me. It was a sort of pride. The commitment and trust in the process was not there, but not for the reasons always given (lazy, skatty etc) – It was something like being overly skeptical of calendars of all things! Anyways, the French maxim held true 🙂


  2. A mutual friend (Theo) once told me “Don’t get it right, get it written”. Turned out it applied to everyone except the budding novelist himself ….! 🧐. My favourite is “Rien s’empeche comme le papier vide”. Unsure where i’d heard this I wrote to Nigel Rees of “Quote Unquote” and he had trouble tracking it down too. Never mind, this discussion of helpful maxims has helped procrastinate further from starting that project….. ❤️


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